Anterior uveitis is known as an inflammation condition of the central layer of the eye. This layer consists of the iris as well as the adjacent tissue that is identified as the ciliary body. If left untreated, the inflammation can result in permanent damage as well as vision loss due to the advancement of cataracts, glaucoma, or even retinal edema.
Anterior uveitis tends to respond well to treatment, though the condition will generally recur. Treatment of this condition generally includes prescription eye drops that dilate the pupils as well as anti-inflammatory medication. This treatment generally takes a few days, but it can take a few weeks before improvement is seen.
This condition can occur due to eye trauma like having a foreign body inside the eye or getting hit in the eye. It can sometimes be linked with health problems like rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, syphilis, viral (herpes), sarcoid, or idiopathic.
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of anterior uveitis include the following:
The symptoms of this condition are similar to other types of eye conditions. Therefore, your eye doctor will perform a careful examination of the front and inside of the eye under a microscope, using a very high magnification. Your eye doctor may also arrange for or perform additional diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the condition.
For more information, reach out to Performance Vision.